Example:“None of my own experiences ever finds its way into my work. However, the stages of my life—motherhood, middle age, etc.—often influence my subject matter.” -- Anne Tyler
What etc. stands for in Latin:et ceteraWhat etc.means in English:and other things How etc. is punctuated:with a period at the endHow etc.is used:in informal or technical writing, to suggest the logical continuation of a list of things (not, as a general rule, of people) How etc.shouldnotbe used:(1) after and; (2) as a synonym for e.g.or et al.; (3) in reference to people; (4) vaguely to refer to “other things” that are not at all clear to the reader. How etc.can be avoided:specify all of the items in a list or use “and so on.”
各位可以看一下它的用法, 是不是前面都有逗點, 而後面都要打點 我唯一沒有特別提的, 是用 etc. 時不要用 and 但我當時造的句子裡也並沒有用 and 英文的東西, 各位若不相信我, 好歹也去查一下國外的網站 去英文版的 google 就可搜尋到了 但是請去看一些專門在教英文的網站或字典 一般從它的網址就大概可以看出來了 大部份亞洲人的英文都不好 想要知道關於英文的正確答案 該聽老外的, 還是台灣人或日本人的? 大家心裡應該很清楚吧? (還是連這個也要去查奇摩知識呢? 哈!)