steady 這個字原本是形容詞 ”穩定的” 但大家不要誤會了 “go steady” 並不是 ”穩定地走” 而是指一對情侶固定和對方交往, 維持一對一的關係 比如: Nick has decided to go steady with Miranda. They have been going steady for a while, but neither wants to get married. Does the guy you’re dating have any intention of going steady? (和你約會的那個男生打算和你固定交往嗎?) 我們也可以順便學一下和 go steady 相反的片語 也就是已有對象卻仍和他人交往或約會, “騎驢找馬” 這種行為叫 play the field 這個片語很有意思 原本是個賭馬的術語 指一個人把賭注押在熱門馬之外的其他所有的馬身上 以提高贏錢的機會 (冷門馬賠率也比較高) 現在常用來指一個和多位異性或伴侶交往的人
I don’t think Sam wants to go steady with Gina. He enjoys playing the field too much.
After playing the field for so many years, Dave finally found the girl that he wanted to go steady with.