“That ship has sailed.” 是個還蠻常用的美式英文成語 也有人說 The ship has sailed. 它字面上的意思是說 ”船已經開走了” 用在指一個人已經錯過了某種機會的時候 (只好眼睜睜看著船越飄越遠......) 比如: A: Hey, what happened to the girl you wanted to fix me up with last time? B: Dude, that ship has sailed. She’s got a boyfriend now. 或是: A: If your boss offers you a raise, will you stay on the job? B: The ship has sailed. He should have offered me a raise last year. 總之要指別人已經錯失良機時, 就可以說: That ship has sailed. (影集中常用在指已分手的男女朋友或離婚的另一半又想回頭的時候......)