請假的”假”, 基本上是用 leave (n.) 這個字, 而不是 vacation 也可說 leave of absence (缺席的假) vacation 是你應得的休假, 而 leave 則是該工作的時候不能去而請的假 ”假單” 是 leave request (form), 動詞 ”填寫” 則是片語 fill out比如: You need to fill out a leave request form if you want to ask for leave of absence. ”請假” 的說法是 ask for leave 或 request leave(注意 leave 是不可數名詞, 所以前面不能加 a , 也不需冠詞) 至於請的是哪種假, 可以 在 leave 前面加一個字說明 比如: ask for / request sick leave 就是向公司要求請病假”我請了兩天病假” I was on sick leave for two days. 另外,”打電話去請病假” 叫 call in sick比如: I don’t feel well today. I think I’m going to call in sick. Bill is not in today. He called in sick this morning. 比較特殊的是, 英文裡並沒有 ”事假” 這種東西 對於他們來說, 除了一些”不可抗力”, 像生病, 生小孩等 其他的假都是由於”個人因素”(personal reasons) 而請的假 所以請事假簡單地說是: ask for / request a personal day (off) 或 ask for / request leave for personal reasons ”我請了兩天事假” 就是 I was on leave for two days for personal reasons. 或 I had two days off for personal reasons. / I had two personal days (off). 也可說 I took two personal days (off). ”喪假” 則是 bereavement leave 不過它比較是在假單上或人事部門會用的字 一般人會直接說: I took a week off because my mother died. 而不會真的說 I was on bereavement leave for two days because my mother died. 女生的產假則是 maternity leave 比如: Linda will be away for a month on maternity leave. 男生因老婆生小孩而跟著請假則叫 paternity leave 比如: Ted will be on paternity leave for a month. 還有, 很多人會誤會所謂的 paid vacation 以為它指的是 ”公司出錢讓員工去渡假” 歹勢, 大家想太多囉......沒那麼好的事啦! 其實 paid vacation 或是 paid leave 指的是 ”不扣錢的假期” 字面上的意思就是”有付薪水的假期” 像一般勞基法規定的一年七天不扣薪的假就是 前一陣子經濟蕭條, 很多人被迫放的 ”無薪假” 則是 unpaid leave / unpaid vacation 例如: Due to the recession, a lot of employees were forced to take unpaid vacation.