看美劇時常聽到 DUI 這個詞 這在美國可以是相當重的罪 DUI 代表的是 driving under the influence 我們知道 influence [ˋɪnflʊəns] 是「影響」 什麼的影響?其實是 the influence of alcohol [ˋælkə͵hɔl] (酒精) 也就是「酒後/醉後駕車」的意思
The famous actor was arrested for driving under the influence. (這位知名演員因酒駕被逮。)
Were you under the influence when you drove me home last night? (你昨晚開車送我回家時是不是喝了酒?)
I don’t remember how I got home. I was under the influence. (我不記得我是怎麼到家的。我喝醉了。)