助動詞 + have p.p. 的句型
助動詞 + have p.p. 的句型
Teacher Sammy
Teacher Sammy
June 13, 2010
1 min
既然有同學問到, 而這正好也是 TOEIC 會考的文法重點之一
助動詞 can, should, may / might, must 等字的後面是接原形動詞較常見
但以上這些字接原形動詞的話, 指的都是現在或未來的事
比如: You should drink more water. 是指此人目前和以後該多喝水
I must go to that meeting. 是指一定要去參加現在或未來某時間所舉行的會議
“could + 原形動詞則有時是指過去某個時候會做的事
比如 E4B 有教的: He could play the piano when he was three.
I could stay up all night when I was younger.
有時 “could + 原形動詞則是表示客氣的請求
: Could you close the window, please?
也有時候是表示現在或未來某件事的可能性 (語調上會把 could 這個字刻意拉高強調)
: You could try the new flavor, but I wouldn’t recommend it.
(你是可以去試試那個新口味, 但我不推薦)
A: Could I borrow your phone for a minute?
B: You could, but I’m expecting a call, so don’t take long.
(你是可以借, 但我在等電話, 所以不要講太久)
will + 原形動詞則是未來簡單式的用法
: I will meet with the CEO tomorrow.
would + 原形動詞則也可以表達客氣請求, Would you…
有時也是表示委婉的拒絕, “我是願意..., ...)
: I would help you, but I’m kind of busy right now.
could, may / might , must, should, would 這些助動詞加完成式 have p.p. 的話
全部都是在指過去的事情, 而且幾乎都是一種 放馬後炮的意思
注意這些字是助動詞, 所以後面的 have 一律用原形
could have p.p. ”(當時/之前) 原本可以...” 的意思
: I could have done better on the test, but I ran out of time.
(我本來可以考得更好, 但我來不及作答完畢) 表示事實上因時間不夠而考不好
You could have told me you would be late, so I wouldn’t have had to wait so long.
((之前)應該要告訴我你會遲到, 這樣我就不用等這麼久了)
這樣講也是表示因為對方事先沒告知會遲到, 所以等了很久
may / might have p.p. 則是 ”(當時/之前)也許是...” 的意思
may might 通用, 表示對過去某件事的推測
: Stella didn’t pick up the phone. She might have gone to bed when I called.
表示打電話去之前, 她就可能去睡了
would have p.p. 則是 ”(當時/之前) 原本會...” 的意思
: I would have helped him, but he was too lazy.
She would have quit her job if she didn’t have to raise two kids on her own.
(如果她(現在)不用獨力撫養兩個孩子, 她當時會辭了工作)
這句是假設語氣. “辭去工作是指過去某個時間的事 (比如也許當天和老板吵架)
但有小孩是現在的常態, 只是在假設語氣裡, 若假設的事和現在的情況相反時, 用過去簡單式
should have p.p. 則是 ”(當時/之前) 原本應該...” 的意思
: You shouldn’t have gotten me a gift.
因為禮物已經買了, 所以說 你那時不該買的
收到禮物時, 老外都會說: You shouldn’t have! (像圖片裡的小熊)
意思就是 (之前) 不該買這個的”, 也就是中文裡的 你太客氣了
再造個句: He shouldn’t have bought that big TV.
指那人已經買了, 但他不該買的
如果用: He shouldn’t buy that TV. 則是指現在或未來不該買
must have p.p. 則是 ”(當時/之前) 一定是...” 的意思
特別注意這裡的 must 不是 必須的意思了
: He fell asleep while he was driving. He must have been very tired.
(他開車時睡著了. 他當時一定是很累)
A: I don’t know what he saw in her. (真不知道他看上她哪一點)
B: Well, it must have been true love. (那一定是真愛吧...)
而說話的人表示不知道 當時那個男的怎會看上那個女的
推測 當時他一定是 鬼遮眼”..., 不是啦... 是因為 真愛來的說...
我們來練習看看下面這些句子要用原形動詞還是 have p.p.
1. I shouldn’t _______ (eat) so much. Now I’m too full to walk home.
2. You must _______ (put) the files back in order, or the boss will be angry.
3. I could _______ (take) the trash out now if you want me to.
4. She wouldn’t _______ (tell) you the truth, but I asked her to.
5. You might _______ (want) to turn the TV down a little. It’s very late.
6. Tom didn’t offer to pay for lunch. I guess he may ______ (leave) his wallet at the office.
7. I would _______ (get) you a present, but I didn’t know it was your birthday.
8. You could _______ (call) me when I didn’t answer the door. I was in the kitchen.

Answers: (1) have eaten (2) put (3) take (4) have told (5) want
(6) have left (7) have gotten (8) have called



沒有時間? 每個人每天都有五分鐘,即使是忙碌的成年人。
這就是我設計 Parkinson's Writing 的原因——為了讓忙碌的成年人能夠以最有效的方式提升他們的英語。現在,您可以將這種促進神經可塑性的練習與全英語的教室環境結合,將您的英語水平提升到一個全新的高度。
Teacher Sammy

Teacher Sammy

英語老師, 作者, 部落客




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