時態 - 未來進行式
時態 - 未來進行式
Teacher Sammy
Teacher Sammy
December 23, 2009
1 min
未來進行式顧名思義, 是指在未來某個時間"將正在"做的事
它的基本句型為: 主詞+ will be + Ving
A: Can I call you around midnight tonight?
B: I'd rather not. I think I'll be sleeping then.
(我寧可你不要. 我想我那時將正在睡覺.)
A: Will you be available at 9 tomorrow morning?
B: No, I'll be meeting with an important client.
(沒有空, 我將正在和一個重要的客戶會面.)
要注意的是, 雖然未來簡單式有兩種句型: am/are/is going to V will V
但未來進行式不會用 am/are/is going to be Ving 這種句型
所以 She will be working at ten tomorrow morning.
就不能換成 She is going to be working at ten tomorrow morning.
還有, 口語中常用未來進行式取代未來簡單式
例如: I won't be seeing you any time soon.
其實就是 I won't see you any time soon. (我會過一陣子才能再見到你了.)
I will be cooking when you get home.
I won't be cooking when you get home.
Will you be doing your homework when I get home?
What will you be doing when I get home?
Ben will be driving to Boston at this time tomorrow.
Ben won't be driving to Boston at this time tomorrow.
Will Ben be driving to Boston at this time tomorrow?
What will Ben be doing at this time tomorrow?
They will be having dinner at eight this evening.
They won't be having dinner at eight this evening.
Will they be having dinner at eight this evening?
Where will they be having dinner at eight this evening?



沒有時間? 每個人每天都有五分鐘,即使是忙碌的成年人。
這就是我設計 Parkinson's Writing 的原因——為了讓忙碌的成年人能夠以最有效的方式提升他們的英語。現在,您可以將這種促進神經可塑性的練習與全英語的教室環境結合,將您的英語水平提升到一個全新的高度。
Teacher Sammy

Teacher Sammy

英語老師, 作者, 部落客




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