“big time” 這兩個字在口語中常出現在句尾 (線上翻譯竟然照字面翻成什麼 ”大時間”, 傻眼......) 其實 big time 是 ”真的...”, “很...” 的意思, 指在程度上很嚴重 比如: Jack screwed things up big time. = Jack really screwed things up. (Jack 真的把事情搞砸得很嚴重) 或是 He pissed his boss off big time. = He really pissed off his boss. (他真的把他的老板惹火了) 不過這兩個字偶爾也有別的意思 像 hit the big time 是指功成名就 比如: She is the first Asian singer to hit the big time in the U.S. 有時這兩個字用一槓連起來當形容詞 big-time 指很成功的, 大牌的 比如 a big-time lawyer 就是知名的大牌律師 也可以說是個 hot-shot lawyer 搶手的律師